September 13th (Wednesday)- North Dakota State Railroad Museum , 3102 37th ST NW, Mandan, ND 5:00PM to 7:30PM (property is in north Mandan). Take Exit 152 Mandan, then left on Old Red Trail, then left on 37 St NW.! Buildings, depot, train car, pond, bridge
September 5, 2023- Paint Out- Crown Butte Dam, west of Mandan.
September 5th (Tuesday) – Crown Butte Dam- West of Mandan- 5:30- 8:00PM – Take I-94 west to Exit 147 (approximately 4 miles west of Mandan ) take the ramp and go north on Hiway 25 then go west on Co Rd 139A to Crown Butte Dam (about 4 miles).
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August 30, 2023- Paint Out- Liberty Memorial Part/Bridge- Bismarck
August 30thh (Wednesday)- Our Second Ever Attempt at a NOCTURNAL Paint Out! The Liberty Memorial Bridge, 411 Fraine Barracks Rd, Bismarck. Park across the street at 701 Cycle and Sport (Epic Sports) NOTE: There should be a Super Moon and the memorial has lights! ! 8:00PM to 10:00PM.
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August 23rd, 2023- Paint Out- Harmon Lake, North of Mandan.
August 23rd (Wednesday) – Harmon Lake (North of Mandan). 5:30PM- to 8:00PM. About 7 miles north of Mandan on Hiway 1806. Look for the sign, then left and about a mile or so west is the entrance. Lake, shelters, boat dock and toilets.
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August 16th, 2023-Paint Out- “Vintage Homes” Cathedral Historic District- Bismarck
August 16th (Wednesday) – Cathedral Historic District – [The theme is “Vintage Homes”] -5:30PM to 8:00PM – Paint a vintage home within the Cathedral Historic District. Meet in front of Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. Paint within the following boundaries. Start at the corner of Raymond St and W Ave B, go east on Ave B to Mandan St, go north on Mandan St to Ave D then west along Ave D to North Washington Street, then south on North Washington Street to Ave C, then west on Ave C to Raymond St., then south back to the beginning. Feel free to paint any home along those streets and within the boundary. Meet back at Cathedral when done.
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August 10th, 2023- Paint Out – Chief Lookings Village/Pioneer Park Overlook – Bismarck
August 10th ( Thursday) – Chief Lookings Village Park/Pioneer Park Overlook, 2023 Burnt Boat Drive, Bismarck. – 6:00PM to 8:30PM. Plan to paint at this scenic overlook, note the flower gardens there are in full bloom as well!
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August 5th & 6th, 2023- Paint Out – Capital A’fair- Bismarck
August 5th & 6th (Saturday & Sunday)- Bismarck Arts and Galleries Association -Capital A’Fair, Capitol Grounds, Bismarck- 10:00AM to 1:00PM each day- We will paint in the north west corner of the mall area. We will be west and south of the chalk artists who are in front of the Capitol. There will be a PPAA sign.
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July 20, 2023 – Paint Out – St George’s Episcopal Church & Historic Governor’s Mansion- 601N 4th St, Bismarck.
July 20th (Thurs)-St George’s Episcopal Church and Historic Governor’s Mansion, 601 N 4th St, Biamarck. 6:00PM to 8:30PM – You may paint either.
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July 15, 2023 – Paint Out – Day Trip to Fish Creek Dam.
July 15th (Saturday) DAY TRIP – Fish Creek Dam–10:00AM to 4: 00PM Located approximately 40 mile west and south of Mandan. From Mandan Exit 152 take I-94 west to Exit 134 (Judson), go 8 miles, then 2 miles east and 1 mile south. Shelters, toilets, boat dock, bridges, fishing pier and great views! Bring a lunch. Spend all or part of the day as you wish!
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July 8th, 2023- Paint Out- Ft Lincoln State Park, Mandan.
July 8th (Saturday)- Ft Lincoln State Park, 4480 Fort Lincoln Rd, Mandan- 9:00AM to 12:00PM – Meet in visitors parking lot. We will disburse from there to paint.
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