NOTE: We have moved the paint out to a different location at the WMA. Disregard the earlier posting. Directions. From the light at the North Bismarck Walmart drive 30.2 miles north on Hi Way 83. At the Junction with Hi Way 1804 [Mile Marker 121] turn left (west/south) then drive .6 miles to the gravel road that goes west, go west by the pond and you will be at the parking area. You can look for a PPAA sign at the correct turn off. We will paint from 5:30 to 8:00PM.
Monthly Archives: July 2019
July 24th, 2019 – Paint Out – Sertoma Park, Riverside Rd, Bismarck.
Artists are asked to meet by Shelter #2 (west end) of the park at 6:00PM on Wednesday. We will paint until 8:30PM. This site includes Missouri River bottoms and river views!
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July 20th 2019 – Dave & Deb Larson – 3600 England St – South Bismarck.
The Larson’s have invited us to paint on their property in south Bismarck. The home is set back in the trees on a gravel driveway. They have 7 acres of Missouri River bottom land with mature trees. The property is nicely landscaped, flowers and trees abound. Artists are welcome anytime between 9:00AM & 3:00PM. For those making a day of it, please plan to brown bag it for lunch.
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July 16th, 2019-Paint Out- Sam Coleman’s/Circle C Ranch, North of Bismarck.
From the light on Hi Way 83 at the North Bismarck Walmart drive 8.6 miles north on 83. Turn east (right) on to Cattle Drive between Mile Markers 99 & 100. Drive east until you reach Sam’s Ranch home about 1 ½ miles where we will meet at 6:00PM. We can paint the home ranch area or go to the nearby Circle C Ministries area to paint. Paint until 8:30PM.
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Painting along the Missouri

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July 10th, 2019-Paint Out- St George’s Episcopal Church & Historic Governors Mansion-Bismarck
Artist’s are invited to participate in a urban paint out at 601 N 4th St, Bismarck. Both the church and the mansion offer unique architectural features in a nice setting with mature trees! We plan to paint from 6:00PM to 8:30PM.
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